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This book was published by the Nautical Media Group whose purpose is to document the history of significant events and people responsible for the success of the marine industry as we know it today. You can contact us at the following address:

Joyce Phillips
Nautical Media Group
1887 West State Road 84
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33315

Phone 954-463-0555
Fax 954-463-8621

If you have any comments about the book we would love to hear from you. This project was truly a labor of love and we thank Showboats Editor Marilyn Mower, and all of the people who contributed their time and energy to help make this possible. Jack Hargrave set a high standard in both his business and personal life. We try to remember that as we make decisions each day in running the company that has his name over the front door.

Michael Joyce
J.B. Hargrave Corporation

Long before he was a famous designer Jack was a charter boat captain beginning in the Great Lakes. Shown here is Jack's bride to be Janet along with a charter guest showing off his catch.